Dark, to say the least. I'd say these are the thoughts of an atheist, pessimist or maybe... Just a realist. Death is something that has had humans curious for it's entire existence, ever since we gained the ability to think rationally, making up countless explanations, theories and the like for this, the final destination of life.
Although the game graphics and hitbox could be a bit polished (with the avatars movement matching the cloud platforms better, the edges and background having a bit more form), it's an otherwise very interesting game. It is short, yes, it has potential to be longer, yes, but finally it does it's job by in an interesting way deliver a message and a thought to the player.
As for music, style and concept, I have nothing to complain about. Using the thought bubbles as platforms was a really nice move, and the minimalist style keeps focus on the games message. Everything in the game does play well together.
Final Judgement: 3
Points for concept, style, general atmosphere, potential and composition. A longer game with a bit more gameplay or more twists (or a more heavily delivered twist) would score higher in my books. Still, I think you've done a good job, and you've given me some interesting thoughts to ponder on. Thank you!